I've started a new system for my word wall this year and I thought you might like it.
I've replaced my old bulletin board and all the stapling and staple removing with a white board. Each week I chose eight words on which to focus my students and list them on a small white board (2' x 3') in the front of the room. This way I can change the words each week with much less trouble than putting them up in paper form. I like to reinforce the idea that vocabulary becomes a part of our speech, and that it isn't just for one week, so I also print the words on brightly colored paper and create a growing border around the top of my walls.
Now what do I do with the words?
Monday - Students work in pairs to define the words using dictionaries. I have many different dictionaries, so when they are finished writing their definitions on a lap board, we compare their findings then create one definition on which we can all agree. This definition is entered into our personal dictionaries (composition books) as a reference.
Tuesday & Wednesday - Students complete word puzzles that I create using Discovery Education's Puzzlemaker, an outstanding free resource for teachers.
Thursday - Students create Frayer Squares. This allows them a chance to make the words their own, after they have worked with them during the week.
Friday - We take a vocabulary matching quiz.
This is just one teacher's humble approach to integrating vocabulary into the math classroom. I hope you've enjoyed it!