Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Tomorrow is Pi Day!

March 14 (3/14) is Pi day! If you aren't planning on celebrating already, it's time to change your plans! As well as having a great resemblance to everyone's favorite irrational number, it is also Einstein's birthday! What a great time to ignite student curiosity about the wonderful world of mathematics!

Here are a couple of links that might help you get into the spirit...

I'll leave you with a quote from the great man himself...

“Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.”

-Albert Einstein

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Fun, friendly, math?

A new museum opened in New York recently with an inspired new approach to increasing student interest in math and science. Mo Math (the Museum of Math) presents math and science concepts in a way that draws in students and peaks curiosity in these often feared topics. Check it out at or through the eyes of Mo Rocca.

If this doesn't get you excited to enter the fun world of math, perhaps the works of Cristobal Vila will bring you in. The website Eterea features his work centered around several topics, but I highly suggest the film Nature by Numbers, it models the Fibonacci Sequence in a truly engaging way.
