I'll come right out and say it, this post is for math people.
The AZ Common Core State Standards have changed the way that we are approaching mathematics with our students. Some have made the transition easier than others, but we are all in transition.
I have been approaching the transition as an opportunity to increase understanding of mathematical concepts, instead of focusing on memorization and calculation. Mathematics is the scientific language used to describe the world around us, so why not teach through exploring the world around us. That being said, in high school, this is no simple task.
I wanted to highlight today a website that is helping to support this change, Common Core Sheets. The difficulty many of us are facing as we make this transition is structuring our activities to ensure student learning. The printables on Common Core Sheets allow students to engage in active exploration in a structured way to ensure they reach the desired learning outcomes.
I continue to look for great resources, and I will continue to share as I do, but I wanted to update you with my latest find. Enjoy!