Friday, October 19, 2012

Thinking Maps

I've recently started down the path to become a trainer of the Thinking Maps system. For those of you who have not heard of them, you should check them out at

Teachers have known for years how much graphic organizers improve student learning, but Thinking Maps take the concept of a graphic organizer to a new level. When using traditional graphic organizers students "fill in the blanks" to understand the way that a teacher conceptualizes an idea. However, when using Thinking Maps, students analyze and classify the learning task in which they are engaged in order to choose a Thinking Map, then create their own visual representation of the material. This deeper processing of the learning process as well as the curriculum improves student learning across the subjects.

The Thinking Maps system is something that is implemented on the school level but it is a helpful tool for any teacher that has the opportunity to learn about it.