I've started using Twitter this year and I have fallen in
love! I am still learning and I know that next year I’ll do even better, but I
just had to share. And if you’re worried about using your private phone, don’t
worry, you can just use the computer, no phone required!
If you already have a personal one, make a professional one,
it’s a good idea to tie it to your school email anyway. If you want to use your
phone make sure to setup your mobile settings.
Here are a couple of videos to help you get started…
Step 2: Tell your
Send home a notification, or even better a permission slip,
and let parents know that you’ll be using Twitter. Anytime you have
interactions with students outside of regular class time it’s best to let the
parents know.
Here is an example of what I shared with my parents…
Step 3: Tell your
Give students a chance, in class, setup a Twitter account if
they don’t have one. You can use a computer or a phone to follow Twitter, but a
phone is nice because you can get updates in real time. Help students get
started and find you on Twitter.
Step 4: Tweet!
What could you tweet about? Here are just a few examples to get you started, things that help students and parents to know about:
- Check out this YouTube video about today's lesson...

- Don't forget to write your paragraph tonight!
- Test tomorrow, make sure you study!
- I'll be out sick today, work on page 23 in the book.
- The electricity is out at school, stay home today and read a good book!
- Don't forget, baseball game tonight at 5pm!
Wasn't that easy?!?
So I hope you will try Twitter! Remember that not every
student will check their tweets so it can’t be the sole method of communicating
an idea, just an additional method to support your pre-existing communications.
But boy what a support!